Friday, December 7, 2007

LAST, Forgets, Fears

Todae I had many LAST experiences.
1) my last taxi ride to camp officially.
2) last time sitting in the office pantry, watching the 29inch screen tele
3) last time walking through the SOC route
4) last handshakes with my men.
5) last bus ride from cck from camp home.

all these thoughts of last experience left me gaining back my IC.

i have forgoten the bright pink colour of the Identity card. the sec 3 look i had on it, and most of all, i have forgoten abt the crack on the top down on this card.

another chapter has began.

I shalt always remember the friends i've made inside, the ungliness of a NSF i have portray during my service, all these experiences shall forever be remembered deeply.


to all those who had not ORD, don worry ur time will come. AND it's not so much of excitement as one always thoughts it was.


i m on my 11th hour fast as of now, later at 13oo, [ tts my 14th hour fast] I'm doing my wisdom tooth operation. fears still inside me. but "everything is alright, I've got Jesus with me" He's walking with me.!

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