Monday, August 13, 2007

Chasing Donkeys

1sam9 - 10
In there you read about Saul,
finding his father's donkeys.
And while he was out "chasing donkeys"......

Thats what Dr A.R Bernard referred to chasing donkeys.

While Saul is out chasing donkeys,
God was planning and was setting him up.
But Saul had no idea that all of that was happening.
Saul had no idea he was about to be anointed to be king
Saul had no idea, but was out there chasing donkeys.
Then Saul was getting a bit tired chasing donkeys
**Chasing donkeys can symbolize ANYTHING like studying, working

So what its trying to say is

If you are out there "chasing donkeys", keep on keeping on.
Cause you never know what God is setting you up for
You never know what God has planned for you
You never know when God will set you up for that opportunity that will make you rise up to a higher level.
To show God that you persevere on just be obedient.
God will prepare you for what He has planed for you,
and when that opportunity rises you can grab it and make good use of it

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